Madame Rosa

Madame Rosa is a stage adaptation of the book "La vie devant soi" written by Emile Ajar. It is about an older ex-prostitute of Jewish descent who has survived the concentration camps and takes care of the children of her younger ex-colleagues. At the end of her life, almost all children have left home except her favorite, the orphan Momo, a Berber boy who would like to know who his parents are.

Rosa's health is visibly deteriorating and gradually the roles are reversed and Momo has to take care of Madame Rosa, who gradually loses control of her life.

The film adaptation of "La vie devant soi" experienced an unbelievable success in France in 1977, with Simone Signoret in the lead. The film won an Oscar for best foreign entry.

Stefan Perceval reworked the text into a theater version for Chris Lomme, one of our most acclaimed Flemish actresses, and the Hartenspelers from HETGEVOLG.

“With this performance we want to show how pleasant people can live together despite their differences. Madame Rosa appeals to our solidarity. Because it is a necessity to love. " 

Stefan Perceval
Chris Lomme & the Hartenspelers
Het Laatste Bedrijf / HETGEVOLG
October 3, 2019
Friday 25 September 2020
CC Moorslede
Friday 9 October 2020
CC Tienen
Friday 16 October 2020
CC Avelgem
Thursday 22 October 2020
CC Wilrijk
Friday 13 November 2020
CC Brecht