15 Pieces

Opening Doors started in 2008 as a Grundtvig Learning Partnership in the framework of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Program, with partners in England and Malta. This theater, group consisting of about 30 performers with physical and mental disabilities, works intensively with three different day centers Berkenhof and 't Brugske/Sint-Ferdinand from Leopoldsburg and De Schalm in Lummen. For 15 years they have been rehearsing in the theater of Leopoldsburg, under the artistic direction of Stefan Perceval of HETGEVOLG and regularly with guest directors, choreographers and musicians. The resulting productions traveled around Europe as part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Program.

With 15 Pieces, the growing gang of players of Opening Doors wants to tread new paths in the coming years. In particular, we want to focus more on dance and the non-verbal because dance is more than just movement. Dance is essentially a form of communication. An inimitable way to express oneself in a physical way when words fall short. For people with physical and intellectual disabilities, dance as a language is given back to anyone who wants to use it. Dance allows us to connect in an honest and direct way. Dance starts from the body and every body is unique.

Koen De Preter is creating his second group choreography with 15 pieces for a group of performers with disabilities. As in all his work, he starts from the performers, the inspiring people he has in front of him. 15 pieces will be a dance performance with a deep human touch set to a sound-track of classical music.

Koen De Preter: "I choose 15 performers and the people behind those performers, I choose 15 different pieces of music on which 15 movement scenes/movement images will be set, each differing in mood and group composition. I have used classical music in my work before, but never just on its own. I want to go for different colors of music, known and lesser known repertoire, musical pieces and ballet. I find it important that some of the pieces will sound familiar to both dancers and audience to alternate with more unfamiliar and abstract work.

My work is very often about meeting. Especially the meeting in duet form. Two bodies interacting with each other, literally and figuratively probing each other, in this simplicity lies much poetry. As in all my work, I want to bring hopeful poetry and give a place to people who are not always in the spotlight. It will be a dance performance full of different atmospheres with authentic movers."

Opening Doors
Koen De Preter
Het Gevolg
Het Laatste Bedrijf


14/11/2024 – Première – Het Gevolg