
An immersive musical shows in the 21st century, contact between people -performers and audiences - contact between human and machine, the contact between two machines. A trail and an experience for both lay people and specialized listeners.

HERMESensemblespresents KONTAKTE by Karlheinz Stockhausen as starting point. KONTAKTE is one of the icons of the early electro-accoustic muic, in which fifty of the compositions still inspires and surprises. In SOLO, contact is made with a musician on the other side of the world and played together under the direction of Koen Kessels.

Orpheus Institute is presenting an interactive theme afternoon, in which the participants and audiences will be challenged in a special way to get in touch with the sound of the music and the musicians. Free your ears!

Koen Kessels
Karin de Fleyt, Marc Tooten, Stijn Staveniers, Geert Callaert, Gaetan La Mela and Peter Merckx
HERMESensemble in coproduction with Het Laatste Bedrijf
in cooperation with
Centre Henri Pousseur en Orpheus Instituut
with the support of
Gallop Tax Shelter
november 21, 2019