The Isomo Project II

The Isomo Project II is a dance performance that explores the relationship between language, movement, perception and transformation. The premise is to experiment with audio description: the performance delves into describing dance and aims to turn that description itself into an aesthetic experience so that movement becomes accessible to people who are visually impaired or blind. How does one listen to movement? How can language be interpreted as a form of movement? The Isomo Project II is betting on new visual vocabulary to describe movement, dance and diverse bodies. Together with dancers Saïd Gharbi, Hernán Mancebo, Anya Senognoeva and musicians Kobe Proesmans and Aarich Jespers (The Colorist), the performance explores different ways of visual and auditory perceptions. 'The Isomo Project II' is a dance performance where the use of audio description is part of the creative process. This artistic choice challenges the audience to embrace a new experience of art in which disability in itself represents an aesthetic value. An inclusive cast of three dancers, including one dancer with a visual impairment, will be used for this creation. Two musicians will provide live musical accompaniment and co-stage. In addition, we are working with a lighting designer who co-follows the performance and a sound engineer who mixes live soundscapes and audio descriptions.
concept & choreography
Iris Bouche
performance & creation
Saïd Gharbi, Hernán Mancebo, Anya Senognoeva
Kobe Proesmans & Aarich Jespers
Het Gevolg in coproduction with Het Laatste Bedrijf
with the support of
Gallop Tax Shelter


08.06.2023 – NT Gent Minnemeers (première)

09.06.2023 – NT Gent Minnemeers